I was very fortunate to meet Rob while working at the EMC San Diego office in 2007. Though I would have loved to have known him more, the time I was able to talk and interact with him, I was able to see and feel the warmth in his words and the way he spoke, like he always had everyones interest at heart. I could easily tell that Rob was unlike many people at EMC, Rob cared for his work, customers, to an individuals feelings. He was a man of substance, but overall a man with love, love for his daughter. One time, I remember him telling me about his daughter's birthday, they were to throw her a party. He showed me her picture. I was moved, she is so adorable. There was this look in him, like I know :), and how proud and happy he was to be the father of this beautiful child. From God we come from and to Him is our return. Rob may be gone, but a piece of him still lives in his daughter.